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A New Era of Patient Care: NFC Tag in Healthcare


The different industries are going electronic and thus, Near Field Communication (NFC) tags are changing the healthcare sector too. It is a technology that has ushered in new era of patient care by increasing efficiency, improving accuracy and boosting patient satisfaction.

What is NFC Tag Technology?

These are small wireless devices that store information which can be retrieved using smartphones with NFC capabilities. They have been used in contactless payment systems, digital door locks, among other applications and now they have become common place within health facilities.

NFC Tags in Patient Identification

One way in which NFC tags are useful in healthcare is for patient identification. The patients’ names can readily be identified by the medical practitioners if they wear an NFC tag since their past medical records will be accessed easily as well. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of medical errors.

NFC Tags in Medication Management

Another area where NFC tags find application is medication management. For example, prescription medicine bottles with built-in smart chips can use NFC to remind patients when it’s time to take their drugs thereby ensuring treatment schedules adherence.

NFC Tags in Asset Tracking

In hospitals keeping track of medical equipments may appear challenging. The good news is that these items can be tagged with near field communication (NFC) tags hence making it possible to keep tabs on them at all times and manage inventories effectively.

NFC Tags in Data Sharing

There are cases where data needs to flow freely between healthcare providers across various organizations under the same roof or elsewhere. This ensures that any healthcare giver involved keeps abreast with a patient’s current status from his/her previous history and thereafter maintains its integrity through constant update within their database network.


Digital revolutionizing aspects of life such as health care system have necessitated more efficient, precise and patient –centered care giving mechanism called “Near Field Communication” (NFC) tag technology. This means that as the technology advances, the use of NFC in healthcare is likely to widen thereby opening up a new chapter for clinicians and patients.

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